Instagram Follower Bot All you Need to Know in 2022

In the beginning days of Instagram, growth marketers and wannabe influencers utilized what’s referred to as an Instagram follower bot.

What exactly is What is Instagram followers bot? It’s pretty much what it’s called. A bot for Instagram follows Instagram follower bot will find poor-targeted Instagram accounts that use particular keywords in their profiles and automatically follow them and like their posts on your Instagram account.

In return, the hope was that you would increase your own Instagram following by getting a follow-back from only a tiny portion of the accounts your Instagram follower bot follows.

But, the trend has changed drastically due to several reasons. The first and most important reason is that the strategy has become less and less because the public has gotten on board with this tactic, and it’s harder, in general, to gain followers in 2022 than two years back.

Finding a low-cost or no-cost Instagram follower bot is exactly the equivalent to making the error of buying Instagram followers. This results in an overinflated number of followers, with little or no engagement and a lengthy list of clearly fake followers.

The primary reason for why the Instagram follower bot trend has come to a standstill however, is that accounts that bot followers for Instagram typically ruin their image. For the past few years, Instagram has pushed back against accounts who try to game the system with false followers, and growth which is almost totally fake. Furthermore, this type of behavior is in violation of Instagram’s rules and accounts that are attempting to cheat to grow commonly get suspended or removed completely.

On the flipside of Instagram’s crackdown, accounts that have the highest organic Instagram growth were rewarded by the algorithm, which has given them more exposure and more engagement.

Do you know of any Instagram bots that are working?

Here’s the good news Nothing in the list above could deter you from going on your search to find the best follower-bot for Instagram.

And if you’re asking yourself, “Are there any Instagram bots that are working?” The answer is yes.

What if I informed you that there’s a happy medium between artificial and organic methods to get more fans on Instagram? And not only that it’s also a innovative solution that’s

100% approved by Instagram

Automated with auto-reply tools, and

Provides orders of magnitude more organic engagement on Instagram.

Indeed, Bigbangram for Instagram has been launched in 2022. it’s the one you’ve been looking for because it’s going to get your the type of fans you’re actually looking for. The most important goal on Instagram is to get followers who are willing to interact with your posts.

The most important thing is that by using Bigbangram as a completely Instagram-approved service provider, you don’t put your account at risk of suspension or permanent shutdown.

In this article, we’ll look at how to get more followers with an Instagram bot the right way. You’ll be able to reap the advantages of using automated messaging tools for Instagram but without the drawbacks to growing your profile on Instagram by utilizing artificial methods.

Here’s our guideline for creating an Instagram bot to get you more followers:

The most efficient Instagram bot for gaining followers.

Bot Followers on Instagram by auto-responding to comments.

Change your DM email into an Instagram leads funnel for followers with auto-reply messages.

Use the Instagram Story Mentions Bot to increase your followers and build brand loyalty.

The Instagram follower bot is a growth hack is designed for Clubhouse influencers.

How do I build an Instagram follower bot.


Grow the number of Instagram as well as Facebook followers and engage with new tools for creators, artists, influencers, brands , and D2C companies. Join today to be the first to benefit from tools that generate elite engagement using Instagram DMs.

Get Access

The Most Effective Instagram Bot to Increase Followers

As I’m sure you also do, I find it important not to make general statements and grandiose claims about a product or service, without backing it with figures.

Find out the latest stats on Larry Kim’s Instagram after less than 30 days of engaging with Bigbangram’s tools for Instagram.

Results of Larry’s very first month of using Instagram engagement tools are mind-blowing:

Visits to profiles are up by 255 percent.

Web Taps have increased by by 249 percent.

Many new Instagram followers join every day.

An DM (direct message) Inboxes that are exploding with legit inquiries.

Impressions are increasing by 171% each month.

It’s not just the fresh Instagram customers that Larry receives. Larry’s Instagram DM account is receiving thousands of new messages per week. The most interesting thing is that these aren’t the typical Instagram automatic replies. The DMs Larry receives have keywords within them that Larry asked followers to use in his posts regarding Larry’s secret tips to increase participation on Instagram.

Additionally, Larry has received messages from big influencers supermodels (regarding business ), actual billionaires, as well as some stars that I, unfortunately, cannot name, but you certainly already know their names.

Are you ready to begin using Instagram Tools right away?

Get the world’s premier Instagram DM automation tools today!

Utilize the partner code UNICORN to move up to the top of our list!


Grow the number of Instagram as well as Facebook followers and increase engagement using new tools designed for creators, artists, influencers, brands and D2C businesses. Join today to be the first to benefit from tools that generate elite engagement via Instagram DMs.

Get Access

Auto-Reply to Commentaries on Instagram to Generate Followers & Increase Traffic

Remember that the title of this game played on Instagram is “engagement.” In fact, I believe there’s a Newtonian law of physics:

“Instagram Participation = Increased Instagram Followers”

Sir Isaac Newton, Circa 1700 AD

Joking aside, it is actually that simple.

Incorporating An Instagram Comment Auto-Responder feature to any of your Instagram posts is a certain way to increase followers and engagement on Instagram.

A instrument that influencers and marketers have been dreaming about for a long time.

Instagram Comment Auto-Responders from Bigbangram let you instantly respond to comments you receive on your Instagram posts using a lively chat dialogue. This is an illustration of the Comment Auto-Responder that’s triggered by an expression like “INSTATOOLS” :

Instagram Follower Bot: Comment Auto-Responder

Autoresponders are simple to set up and are extremely effective. For all of your Instagram posts, you should ask your followers to make comments using a particular keyword. When they post comments using the keyword it triggers an action that allows you to begin conversations using any dialog you want to use. The most popular choices are:

Send Instagram traffic to one of your landing pages.

Subscribers to your newsletters via email and SMS text messages. Facebook Messenger promos, and other channels of communication.

Make sure you capture their contact information by using one of the many lead generation tools made available by Bigbangram.

You can ask them to follow you!

Comment Auto-Responders greatly improve the visibility of your posts as not only can you add the leads to your funnel and record their contact details for retargeting however, you’re also receiving Instagram algorithm trigger points for this extra engagement!

Therefore, instead of just following Instagram accounts and hoping they’ll follow you back out of goodwill Try this instead. Set up the Instagram Comment Auto-Responder in your next post and add, “Be sure to follow us to keep up on the most recent [topics related to your content[topic related to your content]” with a backlink to your website in the chat dialogue.

Increase the number of followers on Instagram with DM Auto-Reply Tools

The Instagram DM (direct message) bots can be extremely beneficial for businesses as well as engaging users.

Bigbangram’s Instagram DM bot is a better version of one of Instagram’s own business features — Instagram Rapid Replies.

The problem is that Quick Replies aren’t exactly efficient, and there’s an immense gap for those looking to leverage Instagram for business with the platform’s existing messaging features.

That’s because Instagram DMs didn’t have an API for developers, which allowed for private messaging in a mass size, thus excluding Instagram from most chat-based marketing funnels.

Bigbangram allows users to take control over Instagram’s (somewhat outdated) DM inbox with multiple features and use cases including:

Instantly reply to any Instagram DMs instantly using auto-reply tools, keyword triggers and the ability to answer questions (frequently requested questions).

Create a welcome message that is unique to anyone who is sending the Instagram DM at first.

Create leads and collect valuable feedback and statistics using form for sending emails.

Opt-in tools that help you build your contact lists . Follow up with your contacts via SMS, email and Messenger.

Build a menu-based chatbot, such as in this video, where users can pick and choose the information they’d like about the product/service you offer.

Ask them to follow you!

Each of these usage cases could be an ideal opportunity to acquire the new Instagram followers, particularly the last.

Below is an example Bigbangram Instagram Welcome Message in motion:

Instagram follower bot: Auto respond to DMs

By using the Instagram Page Welcomer tool by Bigbangram, it’s incredibly simple to guide people through your funnel and ultimately capture email addresses and other important contact details.

Try it yourself at the Bigbangram Instagram page by hitting the message button and then saying “Hello” (must take place done using a mobile device).

Auto-Reply on Mentions in Instagram Stories to Get More Followers

I’ll continue to hammer this point into the final paragraph of this essay: engagement is how you “win” on Instagram and get a lot of Followers. Instagram rewards engagement, not your Follower count. That’s why Instagram goes viral and accounts snowball to the top of the list.

The most effective method of getting started increasing engagement is to interact on a regular basis with the people you follow. Bigbangram’s quick reply tool for Instagram Stories Mentions is among the most unique and desired tools that will be available on Instagram in the coming years.

Get ready for one of the most coveted Instagram Story hacks that you’ll want to add to your tool box ASAP!

Mentions are an important thing on Instagram. That’s the equivalent of an individual giving you a great review or a shout-out. Any time your brand is mentioned on Instagram in a positive way is an opportunity to spread the most effective form of marketing availableWord-of Mouth.

People believe in the opinions of people they know better than other sources. In fact, 58% of people say they have become increasingly interested in a brand or product following an appearance on Instagram Stories. And more than 80% of people who use Instagram claim to have made a decision to purchase a product following having seen the product on Instagram.

Bigbangram’s Instagram Story Mentions tool will start a chat conversation when someone mentions your company’s name in the caption of their Instagram Story.

Here’s an example using the Instagram Story Mentions tool in the action. I’m sharing my Instagram Story that mentions Bigbangram.

Around midway through the video loop you’ll notice that shortly after sharing the story on my Instagram Story, a notification falls down from on top (next on the yellow Arrow).

It’s an email from Bigbangram which reads “Awesome! “.

Bot for Instagram followers for Stories

Watching the short video above you might have noticed the other secret weapon that’s included in Bigbangram’s Instagram Story Mentions tool — the ability to add links to Instagram Stories every time you’re mentioned.

Next time someone mentions you within the form of an Instagram Story, send them a thank you message and including a promotional offer as an additional ‘thank you’. A thank you note and an offer is one of the most effective ways to market direct that I’ve ever seen, truly.

The Story Mentions tool from Bigbangram will surely encourage Instagram followers to post more of your brand’s content in their Instagram Stories, while also fostering customer loyalty!

Instead use the best out of UGC (user made content) and in your thank you note, make sure you include the amount a follow could be to you, If they’re not already.

Fully automated drip campaign sequences to your targeted Instagram contacts

Perhaps the most universally appreciated Instagram DM tools by Bigbangram are drip marketing campaigns.

Drip campaigns have been accessible for Bigbangram clients on Facebook since a while. Unsurprisingly, drip campaigns are popular among Bigbangram users as they’re efficient in boosting engagement on Instagram as well as working to bring Facebook leads down the marketing channels.

You’d like to experience a live demonstration of the way Instagram drips operate?

Visit Larry Kim’s Instagram page and click”Message. “Message” button.

Then then, send Larry a direct message using”DRIP” as the subject “DRIP” to trigger to start the drip cycle! You’ll receive 5 messages within 5 minutes.

Are you interested in learning more? Instagram direct messages marketing campaigns, like drip sequences?

Here’s how you can create Instagram DM drip campaigns, step-by-step!

the Instagram follower bot for influential people as well as Growth Hackers: The Clubhouse Lead Gen Funnel

Are you currently or an aspiring Clubhouse influencer? If yes, this trick to get fans on Instagram is worth every penny.

Since we’re now talking about Clubhouse in a post on finding the most efficient Instagram follower bot, you already know it’s a hack. However, I’m able prove to you that it performs extremely efficiently. So even if you’re researching Instagram follower bot growth hacks and strategies, you should be aware about it!

It’s hard for me even comprehend, but using our Clubhouse lead generation funnel our founder, Larry Kim, had his reach on Instagram increase by a quarter in just a week!

If Larry Kim saw the explosive growth of Clubhouse He naturally did the thing any top digital marketer would do: find potential growth opportunities for businesses that could scale.

The top Instagram technique we’ve uncovered in 2022 is to do with the integration of the Clubhouse application and Instagram DMs. Here’s how to set up an lead generation funnel from Clubhouse to Instagram that will have your DM Inbox brimming with leads that are highly targeted!

Download the Clubhouse app.

Establish a fan base. It is important to be strategically focused in this. Try these quick fixes:

Make your Clubhouse bio shine.

Create an engaging piece of content on its own.

You can add several CTAs into your Clubhouse Bio.

Choose big Clubhouse rooms to participate in with influential people.

Join forces with peers from the industry and share your wisdom and voice whenever you are able to.

You can increase your influence by hosting a clubhouse room.

Create the Instagram increase your growth DM funnel with a Bigbangram auto-reply chatbot. Request an email address and include a link to an individual landing page or lead magnet inside your conversational query and then answer chatbot.

Join your Clubhouse and your Instagram profile with an CTA to DM a keyword trigger that you predefined when setting up your Bigbangram DM funnel.

Manage this fast-paced new pipeline of hot leads using the Bigbangram OmniChat(r) inbox that combines all of your business’ DM inboxes into one dashboard.

Watch the video to see Larry’s personal review of his best Instagram growth tips!

How to Create an Instagram Follower Bot

Here’s how you can build the perfect Instagram follower bot using just one of the Instagram tools from Bigbangram:

Step 1: Sign-up to InstaChamp for free to begin.


Increase your the number of Instagram as well as Facebook followers and engagement with new tools designed for creators, influencers as well as brands, artists and D2C businesses. Join today to be the first to utilize tools that can generate high-quality engagement via Instagram DMs.

Get Access

Step 2: Connect the account on your Instagram accounts to Bigbangram.

Step 3: Use the chatbot creator on Bigbangram to generate automated messages to reply to comments, mentions, Instagram Stories, create Instagram welcome messages, and a whole lot more!

Utilize the Bigbangram code-free chatbot builder and marketing automation tools for Instagram to connect your business with prospects and customers in order to create leads, engage customers, and offer real-time assistance.

The various Bigbangram Instagram tools such as the tools to grow your email list, to segmenting an audience or sending Instagram mass messages -none of the Instagram feature in Bigbangram requires any advanced programming expertise (other than using the Bigbangram API)

Use images, buttons alerts, Zapier connections and much more to automate your Instagram chatbot’s dialog.

From Bigbangram’s chat marketing dashboard explore every Instagram tool for messaging automation you require with a user-friendly visual interface.

The Instagram Follow Bot

The best way to get the most followers Instagram using a bot is to make use of your bot in such a way that people are going to want to follow you, in a natural way.

While earning followers may not be as fast as the outdated Instagram growth strategy of finding the most effective Instagram follow-unfollow bot but if you’re serious about increasing your reach on Instagram getting followers is definitely the best alternative.

Instagram accounts that make use of MoibileMonkey’s Instagram Marketing tools specifically when combined with compelling content, will generate automated activity and interactions which are perceived as natural and can will result in an enormous increase in followers who are genuine. And, the best part is that, with Bigbangram you’ll work using software that comes with an Instagram-approved, 100% engagement tool.

Incorporating Messenger into Instagram will create a 3.3 billion-user network. Between Facebook Messenger users and Instagram Messenger users, this is roughly 43% of the world’s population on one chat platform.

Start by using 100% Instagram-approved applications in the Bigbangram Instagram Bot today!

Request the early-access for early access Instagram messaging tools.

Use the code of your partner UNICORN to jump to the top of your list!


Increase your Instagram and Facebook followers and increase engagement using new tools designed for creators, influencers, artists, brands , and D2C businesses. Join now to be among the first to use tools that generate elite engagement through Instagram DMs.

Get Access

Important Next Steps

Create your own automated sales funnel using InstaChamp. Start today for no cost.

Talk and learn about automation with fellow enthusiasts. Join Bigbangram Island, our Facebook group of 40K entrepreneurs and marketers who are eager to help you.

Improve your marketing effectiveness Improve your marketing efficiency Sales Automation School, a free tutorial and training space for sales professionals and marketers.

Frequently asked questions about Instagram Follower Bots

Q: What exactly is an Instagram Follower Bot?

A one: An Instagram follower bot will find targeted Instagram accounts that use particular keywords on their profiles. It will automatically follow them, and then like the posts of their followers from your Instagram account.

Instagram follower bots can be used as a way to grow the numbers followers of an Instagram account, as well as to increase the engagement and visibility of posts.

They are used by Instagram account holders to build their following rapidly, but they should be used with caution, as they may violate Instagram’s Terms of Service.

Q Is Instagram follower bots still in use?

A: In the early days of Instagram growth marketers and wannabe influencers were using what’s known as an Instagram follower bot.

An Instagram Follower Bot will automatically like and follow profiles that include specific keywords in their bios.

The idea was that if you got a follow-back from a tiny fraction of the accounts that your Instagram follower bot followed, you’d be able to grow your own Instagram following by attracting people that already have a following.

The way people use Instagram has changed dramatically. Today Instagram followers are known to violate Instagram’s terms of service and may cause that an Instagram account to be shut down because of the violation.

Q: Do you have any Instagram bots which work?

A: Although the traditional Instagram follower bots pose a risk to the Instagram account holder Bigbangram Instagram DM bots are an approved Instagram solution that uses AI and natural methods to attract more fans on Instagram.

Instagram DM automation is:

100% endorsed by Instagram

Automatically runs using auto-reply tools

Increases organic engagement on Instagram

Bigbangram to Instagram is precisely what you need to get the right amount of followers.

Take a look at this case study that Larry Kim’s Instagram after less than 30 days of using Bigbangram’s engagement tools for Instagram.

Results of Larry’s very first month of using Instagram interaction tools is astonishing:

Profile visits are up 255%

Website Taps are up 249% on the website.

A plethora of new Instagram followers every week

An DM (direct message) inbox that’s filled with legit inquiries

Impressions are up 171% per month

Larry’s DM also receives thousands of messages each week!

Q: How can I automatically reply to posts on Instagram to gain followers and drive traffic?

A: Instagram Comment Auto-Responders, developed by Bigbangram allows you to immediately respond to comments you receive on your Instagram posts, using an engaging chat conversation.

Autoresponders are very simple to set up and extremely effective.

Invite your followers to reply by using a particular word when you post something on Instagram. If they comment with the word, it triggers an event that allows you to start a discussion using any comments. There are a few of the most popular choices:

Send Instagram users to one of your landing pages.

Subscribe your followers to your email newsletter Text messages sent via SMS, Facebook Messenger promos, and other communication channels.

Get their contact details captured using one of the lead generation tools made available by Bigbangram.

Ask them to follow you!

Q: How do I gain more Instagram followers using DM automated reply tools?

A: Bigbangram now allows you to control Instagram’s DM inbox, with a variety of features and use cases for example:

All Instagram DMs are instantly replied to by auto-reply systems Keyword triggers, as well as the ability to answer questions (often commonly asked questions).

Create a personalized welcome message for all of your followers who are new to your DM.

Forms for email help you build leads and gain important information and data from your customers.

Create your contact lists and then follow-up with your followers by using opt-in tools . You can send them SMS messages, emails and Messenger chatbots.

Users can choose which services or products they would like to know more about using a menu-based chatbot.

It is possible to ask them to send you a follow

Q: How do I auto-reply on mentions in Instagram Stories in order to gain more followers?

A: Bigbangram’s Instagram Story Mentions tool will start conversations when someone mentions your brand in your Instagram Story.

Utilizing Bigbangram’s tool for Story Mentions is sure to inspire Instagram users to share more of your business’s image in their Stories while building the loyalty of your customers!

Q: How can I distribute drip campaign sequences to choose target Instagram accounts?

A Drip campaign is a popular choice with Bigbangram users due to their effectiveness in increasing engagement on Instagram, as well as working Facebook leads down your funnels for marketing.

Here’s how to create a drip-marketing strategy:

Step 1 Start with Campaigns > Drip Campaigns > Create Drip Campaigns

Step #2: Select your Drip Campaign Audience

Step #3: Choose the time between DM Drips and design your Dialogue

Step #4 Make Conversational Chat Widgets (Optional)

Step 5 Review and set the Live Drip Campaign Drip Campaign Live

For step-by-step instructions on how to set up a drip campaign visit our blog article on The Best Instagram Direct Message Marketing Examples and Templates (+Drip Campaigns).

Q: How can I make an Instagram follower bot?

A: Here’s how you can build your own Instagram follower bot using just one of many Instagram tools made available by Bigbangram:

Step 1: To start join InstaChamp for free.

Step 2: Make sure you connect to your Instagram accounts to Bigbangram.

Step 3: Using the Bigbangram chatbot creation tool, users can create automated messages that respond to mentions, comments Instagram Stories or thank you messages from Instagram, and a variety various other jobs.

Make use of the Bigbangram chatbot builder that is code-free as well as marketing automation software for Instagram to instantly connect your company with prospects and customers to increase leads, re-engage customers and provide real-time assistance.

Not one of Bigbangram’s Instagram tools, ranging from email list growth solutions to segmenting an audience blasting Instagram large-scale messages require any technical skills (other aside from the Bigbangram API).

The most effective method of getting many more Instagram followers Instagram with a bot is to use your bot in such a way that people are going to want to follow you in a natural way.

Begin with Instagram-approved 100% tools in Bigbangram’s Bigbangram Instagram Bot today!

Q: Do chatbots increase sales?

A Yes, when correctly implemented, chatbots can boost sales. Many companies have begun using chatbots in e-commerce and learning to sell their products on the internet using chatbots requires only minor testing and error on the products and services you offer. And chatbots are a hot marketing tool in the world of online business since they are a 24/7 sales assistant for your business.

Chatbots are also among the most widely used e-commerce marketing tools for boosting direct marketing campaigns that are based on response. This is particularly the case for affiliates, because chatbots are now a mandatory marketing tool for affiliates generally.

Engagement is the word of the day in today’s fast-paced digital marketing, and selling using web chat gives you an edge, as there’s nothing more exciting for your clients than having a live chat widget to talk to them.

A web chat customer support to your website or other channels open up the opportunities for many new sales opportunities.

Q: Is there a risk with using Instagram bots?

A The Instagram follower bots could negatively affect your engagement long-term.

The Instagram follower bots are widely known. If Instagram users notice the use of follower bots the majority of them will stop engaging with you, or offer less engagement.

Furthermore, it is impossible to make it possible to automate authentic participation. If you feel your content is high quality, then Instagram bots can still help you build genuine following and engagement.

A bot that follows you on Instagram Instagram follower bot might also infringe Instagram’s rules of use and put the account in danger of getting banned in shadow.

In the event that your account is suspended, Instagram will render all your posts inaccessible to anyone who aren’t followers of yours. It will be difficult to grow your brand’s reputation in the future, since users won’t be in a position to recognize it if you include any hashtags within a post.

Q: How can you utilize an Instagram bot without getting shadow-banned?

A An example: If you’re only starting out on Instagram and you’re being followed by hundreds of people every day, Instagram could pick up in this. It is recommended to start interaction and following slowly, before increasing them slowly as your account expands.

When it comes time to grow your audience, one of the mistakes that many people do is to try to contact anyone who’s not interested in the field you’re working in.

Make certain that your bot is regularly posting on Instagram account and using hashtags relevant to your company to build an authentic and constant following.

Engage in some Instagram engagement yourself (don’t let the bot do everything). If you automatize your entire Instagram actions, you may be a case of shadow-banning your account.

Respond to comments, participate in other’s posts by liking and sharing their posts. One of the most crucial things to remember is to interact with your followers to create an intimate relationship, and to let them feel your real presence.

Questions: Which are alternatives to using Instagram bots?

A: We have a couple of suggestions that you could use instead of stressing about Instagram followers bots.

1. Engage with your followers directly

While this takes more time but you can make authentic engagement with your followers, develop relationships, and know your followers better than ever.

2. Employ an assistant or a social media assistant

Although we know this might not be the most cost-effective option for your business, but in the end, you’ll get the ROI by having someone who is real assist you on your Instagram rather than. having to manage bots.

3. Time is everything

If you’re not able to afford the services of an assistant, or social media manager right now but that’s fine. Spend time writing engaging content, employ eye-catching photos and video and talk to your audience in an authentic tone.

If you are able to invest an additional 20-30 minutes a day engaging with your followers directly The reward will be far more valuable than anything a bot could offer!

The best option is to employ an application for managing social media such as InstaChamp that will help automate your posts, hashtags and also some interactions with followers.

This way you can create a schedule and then forget about it all while remaining in contact with your target audience.

As you can observe, there are plenty of alternatives to bots being used on Instagram. It is crucial to evaluate your options and the cons prior to making a decision . You should also consider whether it would be a benefit to your company.

In the end, Bigbangram is a 100 100% Instagram-approved automated engagement that includes comment replies as well as DM automation. In addition we don’t automate following accounts that violate Instagram’s Terms of Service.

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